Nowadays people are more and more concerned about products they consume. Some of them refuse to eat meat for many ethical reasons. We call such people vegans or vegetarians. They follow a specific diet and need plant food. But do capitalism really satisfy their, our needs and what is more the needs of our planet? One day it will be really difficult to feed a herd of cows. Due to this fact Israeli company, Redefine Meat, together with famous Swiss chefs, technologists and experts, has developed a plant-based steak produced with a 3D printer. These steaks recreate the texture, taste and appearance of real beef.
The product is made from soy and pea protein with the addition of coconut fat, sunflower oil, natural flavors and colors. Three types of ” ink ” or in other words three main components simulate fat, blood and muscle. They build up layers forming a steak that is absolutely similar to the texture of beef. The steaks rich in plant protein and are much lower in cholesterol.
Redefine Meat invited one of the most famous Israeli chef , Assaf Granit. He tested the invention and was surprised that it tasted almost identical. According to Assaf, 8 out of 10 people will not distinguish such steaks from what we have addicted to buy at the store.
The creators hope 3D-printing technology can provide greener animal meat, therefore the inventors understand that this way of producing meat is much more effective, ethical. It is one of the best ways to prevent air pollution, as eating less meat leads to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.The firm also says that such meat is 95% more stable than the real one and what really catches our mind , because, firstly, such steaks will cost less, secondly, the 3D device is capable of producing 20 kg of steaks an hour.
If we consider the current situation, we see that the 3D food sector is non-existent, but Redefine Meat is trying to change it. They raised $6M funding last year to develop its 3D printer and has since printed and provided for foodie events.

Besides them, there are other companies in the world that are working on identical technology including Spanish Novameat which also makes plant-based pork meat and one more Israeli company, MeaTech 3D,which used laboratory grown meat.
The company will show the product to the world at Israeli restaurants in summer 2020. In 2021, their plan is to sell alternative meat at European restaurants, and in 2022 — in supermarkets.
Taking into account everything mentioned above, there is no way to definitely say that one day plant-based products will completely replace animal products. Plant diet is getting more and more popular among human beings, so who knows, maybe, it will happen in the next 15-20 years.