New CalderaRIP V12.1 software program was released by Caldera

Print Business info > News > New CalderaRIP V12.1 software program was released by Caldera

Caldera, French software provider, has recently released a new, improved version of its V12 program – V12.1. Comparing to V12 RIP software version, the new program includes a few additions which have to get printing processing speeds to a much higher level. 

The manufacturers did a lot of work creating a new demanding product when the competition is already tight. The CalderaRIP V12.1 version is remarkable for its characteristics presented below.

One of the additional details to the new V12.1 program is RotaionBoost algorithm, which makes the new version work 30% faster than most rivals.

One more promising software innovation is Caldera Snapshots. Using it you can make a snapshot showing current program conditions at any point in time. Snapshot itself includes parameters, profiles and any information that is needed to restore V12.1 to this programming state. You can later print at the same exact conditions. CalderaJobs technology is somewhat similar to the previous one. With CalderaJobs you can make print shops to do the same job after a while, keeping the hard-drive disk, spooler and other hardware in a perfect printing condition.

Caldera V12.1 is the second RIP software to include Adobe PDF Print Engine 5. APPE 5 raises the bar on both workflow productivity and printing reproduction accuracy. Using it, it is okay to do a lot of types of printing jobs, both simple and difficult. Together with Caldera V12.1, Adobe applications including InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat, are also available for customers’ manual.

Using the new CalderaRIP V 12.1 program, so-called CxF/4 customers have the possibility to import their own printing libraries in order to get the best colour combination. InkPerformer customers haven’t been left standing aside. A new upgrade is waiting for them. Using the new ink saving system, clients can economize as much as 30 % of the ink when printing. A plus is that printing and colour accuracy quality do not suffer.

Generally, new workflow Caldera RIP software program provides best decisions of colour, image and printing process management for peripherals of large format. The manufacturer company assure that their new CalderaRIP V12.1 suits perfectly well being used in areas such ripping, printing, cutting and packaging.

Caldera software equipment has already found its way in a range of sectors of the large printing business industry. The company expanded their customer-base market in the fields like packaging, textile, digital printing and some more. In the future it is expected that the software production under the brand name will conquer a few more printing areas and will attract even more professional clients and normal printer users. Strategic partnership with another printing solutions manufacturer, Fotoba, played an extremely important role in promoting new Caldera production in Munich at FESPA. Being a member in powerful Dover Corporation, Caldera strengthens its influence year after year. In the future we should expect nothing but further growth of its products.

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